27 March 2011

Representatives Peter King and Carolyn McCarthy: Long Island's Most Powerful Politicians

(Photo of Rep. Peter King(R) courtesy of commons.wikipedia.org)

Long Island has two juggernaut politicians in the House of Representatives. One has been immersed in controversy, the other has not been in the spotlight, but to some people she is just as controversial.

Representative Peter King of  NY's 3rd district: Central Nassau and Suffolk is the Chairmen of the Committee on Homeland Security and a member of the Permanent Select Committee on Intelligence.

King's campaign financing is available here.

Over the past few months, King has fallen out of favor with a portion of the American public because of his controversial hearings on Islam.

As Chairmen of the Committee on Homeland Security, King has asserted it is both in his jurisdiction and with the best intentions of the American people for him to hold these hearings. He has stood by claims that Muslims are being recruited as terrorists in America.

He is walking quite a fine line however. Past support of the terrorist group the IRA in Northern Ireland creates a confusing track record for the Representative. While he has openly supported a terrorist organization in the past, he is to many classifying an entire religion as potential terrorists.

Criticism from Russell Simmons as well as many others, both Democrat and Republican, Muslim, Christian, Hindu and Jewish have expressed an outrage at singling out a religion as a threat. During the hearing Representative Keith Ellison, the only Muslim member of the House of Representatives emotionally broke down at what he compared to a religious persecution.

While King has been immersed in both controversy and praise for his actions, he has a strong hold on his  constituency and has become a major player in national politics. For better or worse (probably better) King will likely remain the Congressperson for the 3rd district for years to come. While this hearing has brought plenty of publicity to King, he has served his district for years and has earned both the respect of his community and the seniority that he has amassed.

(Photo of Rep. Carolyn McCarthy(D) courtesy of commons.wikipedia.org)

Representative Carolyn McCarthy of NY's 4th district comprised of Western-Central Nassau County is a member of the Committee on Education and the Workforce and the Committee on Financial Services. She also serves as the ranking member of the Subcommittee on International Monetary Policy and Trade.

McCarthy's campaign financing is available here.

While McCarthy has not been in the National News too much of late, it has not been for a lack of trying.
McCarthy pushed gun control legislation in the house in mid January. She was one of if not the strongest proponents of gun control. Along with NYC Mayor Bloomberg as well as Senators Schumer and Gillabrand, McCarthy has been an extremely vocal presence in the gun control debate.

This dedication to curbing gun violence stems from McCarthy's personal experience with gun violence. She was a survivor of the LIRR massacre at Merillon Station at which her husband was murdered and her son suffered severe injuries. In response to her personal experience, she entered politics and was elected on a strong platform that included major gun control reforms.

McCarthy has served her community for over 10 years and has been moving up the ranks of seniority within the House. Though she has not been as controversial as Rep. King as of late, McCarthy is a fearless proponent of gun control that members of the National Rifle Association would consider a top political opposition.

02 March 2011

NIFA takeover Blocked, For Now

 NIFA (Nassau Interim Finance Authority) has been blocked in its attempted takeover of county finances by a judge.

                          Photo highlighting Nassau County
                         (Courtesy of craignow.blogspot.com )
County Executive Mangano and the county's attorneys had argued that NIFA had breached the state Constitution. Whether right or just lucky, the courts agreed and ordered a stay on the takeover. The Justice Arthur Diamond gave an extension for the county to submit a new budget proposal, and said that the overall ruling would come in advance of March 31st.

This move would almost ensure the County retains control over its finances throughout the length of the trial, though it does little to provide clues as to what the overall ruling may be.

On January 26th NIFA had "seized" the counties finances in response to a deficit of $176 million. With the  election of Mangano over Suozzi in the November elections, there was instant tension.

The clash of political parties were fundamental, with Mangano campaigning on and undertaking an immediate "Tax Revolt" that swept in with Tea Party momentum.

                                              Photo of County Exec. Edward Mangano
                                                  (Courtesy of LongIslandPress.com)

There was an immediate repeal of the Home Energy Tax, a move that was seen as "antagonistic" by NIFA. While this immediately saved taxpayers $38 million a year, it dug the county deeper into debt without a way to pay it off, as Mangano had promised to and did prevent an increase of property tax. This dedication to no taxes is admirable, but amidst a financial crisis there has to be something, anything done to handle tough financial issues.

While the story trended as big news at the onset, there seemed to be little interest regarding the potential seizure of the county's funds by a "big brother" type state authority. This blog isn't about defending one politician or condemning another, but in reality it's become pretty clear to everyone that this has spiraled into a partisan battle, very similar to the way that politics are playing out in Albany, across the country and especially in Washington D.C.

 There are clearly issues with the economy at all levels, and the vast range of conflicting agendas have caused major rifts in more places than just Nassau County. While Wisconsin's "union busting" is the hot news topic, don't forget about what's happening here right now on the Island.