13 April 2011

Suffolk County GOP Rising Star

In the absence of political leadership the same old political process has once again left us unsatisfied and disillusioned. At times like this it is the responsibility of those who can to stand up and lead. Conventional politicians have served for years and even our local representatives play the same old politics that we complain about in Washington.

As the candidates, policies and representatives in many cases remain detached from the young voters that they so long to herd off to vote in oft low turnout elections that are consistently right down to the wire.  

John Panicola's candidacy is one new voice for generations of Long Islanders and particularly his hometown Huntington residents.

 "20- to 30-somethings see the same names on the ballot year after year and have become disenfranchised from local government,"said Panicola. "It's seems to keep them from potentially becoming involved and shaping the community for themselves."

The 33 year old former Marine, Panicola is considerably frustrated with the same old politics and the lack of leadership. Currently working as a bartender as well as an Adelphi University student; Panicola is in the thick of discussion between both students by day and the common man at night. His down to earth personality along with his innate leadership and first class USMC training serves as a strong resume that does lack any previous political service.

The Republican candidate may be one of the old men on the Adelphi campus, but on the contrary sees his candidacy as part of a youth movement in Long Island politics. Running for Town Board in Huntington this upcoming election, Panicola is truly an inspiring American story that will be closely followed by this blog.

Check in on the blog soon for updates on John Panicola and his candidacy including a more in depth profile, interview and some audio/visual first hand material! 

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