07 May 2011

John Panicola: Huntington Town Board Candidate

Two weeks ago I profiled a "Suffolk County GOP Rising Star."

John Panicola is not your typical politician however, and is not your conventional Republican.

A Marine, bartender and current Adelphi student, Panicola got involved because he feels that politics shouldn't have such a significant divide between generations and that a new voice can aid in improving the town's politics.

"At times party seems to take precedent over the issues," said John Panicola. "I'm looking for votes because I'm trying to get involved with the youth, the disenfranchised, or those never involved in the political scheme."

Registered as an Independent until his recent courting with the GOP, Panicola has a blend of both Conservative and Progressive values that makes him a unique hybrid that could sit well on either side of the aisle depending on the issue.

On the Town Board there are four Democrats and one Republican.

 The Working Families Party, a center-left leaning third party could serve as a perfect fit for the young veteran and his aforementioned hybrid politics.

"They stand for workers rights, veterans benefits, affordable housing, equality and a lot of the things that are needed in the Town of Huntington" said Panicola. "To switch my affiliation is a possibility, to either a Democrat or the Working Families Party line itself."

Keep in mind the vast economic and social differences that range across Huntington's over 200 Thousand residents; Panicola is pushing to bridge the gap across an economically diverse community to make housing affordable for families across the spectrum.

To prove his loyalty and validate his intentions to his community Panicola also is a proponent of term limits.

Often in local politics the incumbent sits near unbeatable at election time and they eventually hold elected power in local communities for decades at a time.

Term limits should inspire individuals in our communities to get more involved to keep new blood to constantly flowing through the town and village halls of Long Island.

"With a collective mindset and the right bi-partisanship we can definitely come to a common ground to serve everyone," said Panicola.

Hopefully this can serve as a spark not just in Huntington, but across the Long Island within both political parties in the upcoming election season.

27 April 2011

MTA Axes Bus System

It looks like the Long Island MTA bus service will lose 27/43 lines that run through Nassau County.

Cutting service will be a major problem for low income workers who primarily take the bus as transportation to and from work with no other means of getting there.

The MTA Proposal does have some rationale to it and they do their best to make it legitimate.

Basically, they're axing the service because County Executive Mangano won't cough up an additional $27 million this year and is protesting the cost as an
unfair fiscal strain on Nassau County.

                                  (Courtesy of Kriston Lewis' Photostream)

Just a few weeks ago it seemed however that our politicians were able to very easily "save the bus service."

Politicians Jack Martins and John Ciotti are both of note for having served their constituents well and ensuring that an alternative solution would be reached for the near future. The State Senate and the MTA approved some additional funding for this fiscal year, as well as some extra money for next year to keep the bus lines running in relative entirety through 2012.

This will become an issue again in 2012-2013 however.

The MTA will not sit around and take the ultimate burden of financial responsibility and when this agreement expires something new will have to be done, whether it be Mangano's plan to privatize the service or some government conceding additional funding to the MTA for the bus service to continue to run in relative inefficiency.

Check out my Podcast on the topic below!

21 April 2011

Mangano Gambling on the Shinnecock

Nassau County and the Shinnecock nation are in stages of negotiations regarding a 40 acre plot of land that would be turned into the newest Native American owned casino in the tri-state area. The two parties are close to signing a Memorandum of Understanding to move forward negotiations to the state and federal levels.

(Photo Courtesy of Creative Commons)

The plot is located close to Nassau Coliseum in Uniondale and is part of the larger plan of revitalizing the Islanders franchise and stadium with what was once known as the Long Island Lighthouse Project.

Proponents have craved for a new -or at least renovated- Nassau Coliseum along with new hotels, as well as shopping and entertainment facilities that would compete directly with Roosevelt Field or anywhere else on the Island in size. Adding on a casino would only increase revenues, an estimated $2-3 Million per acre and another $30 Million annually.

Not to mention the whole project being given the go ahead much, much faster.

This is not something unexpected though. County Executive Mangano spoke of this less than a year ago, last summer as he asserted that everything could and should be on the table in order to bring down the crippling deficit the county is facing. Last June the Shinnecock Tribe of Suffolk County was recognized federally as a native American tribe.

None of this should be surprising anyone.

However, the partisan nature of not only just the county and island, but the state and federal levels could make for multiple overall outcomes: It could be fast tracked as a money maker by a bipartisan coalition just as easy as a bipartisan coalition could shoot down the project immediately. Just as likely would be the two sides digging into the trenches and arguing to no avail. Democrats would criticize the casino as degrading the community while Republicans would back their Exec and support the fiscally savvy move, even though they might be simultaneously compromising their morals.

Personally, I have mixed feelings, but it would save gas spent on those long trips to Atlantic City or Foxwoods.

13 April 2011

Suffolk County GOP Rising Star

In the absence of political leadership the same old political process has once again left us unsatisfied and disillusioned. At times like this it is the responsibility of those who can to stand up and lead. Conventional politicians have served for years and even our local representatives play the same old politics that we complain about in Washington.

As the candidates, policies and representatives in many cases remain detached from the young voters that they so long to herd off to vote in oft low turnout elections that are consistently right down to the wire.  

John Panicola's candidacy is one new voice for generations of Long Islanders and particularly his hometown Huntington residents.

 "20- to 30-somethings see the same names on the ballot year after year and have become disenfranchised from local government,"said Panicola. "It's seems to keep them from potentially becoming involved and shaping the community for themselves."

The 33 year old former Marine, Panicola is considerably frustrated with the same old politics and the lack of leadership. Currently working as a bartender as well as an Adelphi University student; Panicola is in the thick of discussion between both students by day and the common man at night. His down to earth personality along with his innate leadership and first class USMC training serves as a strong resume that does lack any previous political service.

The Republican candidate may be one of the old men on the Adelphi campus, but on the contrary sees his candidacy as part of a youth movement in Long Island politics. Running for Town Board in Huntington this upcoming election, Panicola is truly an inspiring American story that will be closely followed by this blog.

Check in on the blog soon for updates on John Panicola and his candidacy including a more in depth profile, interview and some audio/visual first hand material! 

12 April 2011

Long Island Murderer Must be Brought to Justice

It is common knowledge by now that Long Island is in the midst of a Serial Killer(s).

Police have reported that they are getting closer by the day with new leads and evidence constantly emerging.

Out of respect for the events this post is not meant to report the events that took place, plenty of other news sources have covered this in depth.

This is only to urge the community to remain vigilant, travel accompanied whenever possible (especially women at night) and to report any suspicious behavior or information that could potentially be useful to the authorities.

05 April 2011

Suffolk County Exec Stepping Down

Steve Levy has served for two terms as the Suffolk County Executive. He has been the leader of the County Republican party and he had been widely expected to run for and be elected to a third term. He had already raised around $ 4 Million for the upcoming election and there seemed to be nothing or no one who could get in his way.

However, last week that officially changed.

Levy had been marred for nearly 16 months with an investigation into his finances from the District Attorney Thomas Spota. Details of which have remained relatively under wraps, but nevertheless speculation has ensued. This speculation came to ahead on March 31st with official announcements from both Levy and Spota.

A deal has been reached between Levy and Spota that seemed to many much like a "plea bargain."
Levy would be allowed to complete his term and further investigation into his fundraising would cease.

In turn, Levy would then step down at the end of his term and not run for public office in the next election. The $ 4 million in his campaign coffers would also be turned over to the DA.

The reason for allowing him to finish his term has a great deal to do with Levy's strong record and the instability that an investigation and a possible interim County Exec would bring to these already harsh economic times. With his experience and good work over the past two terms it was decided best for all parties and the county as a whole to cut this unconventional deal.

                       (Photo Courtesy of Stevy Levy's County Executive Website)

Republicans have mixed feelings on the matter. Their leader has been exposed as engaging in less than admirable financing, but this does not reflect the actions of the party as a whole. Regardless of the indiscretion, the Republican party does not look to suffer much, if at all from this incident.

What will suffer?

The legacy of County Executive Steve Levy and the $4 million that his supporters had already pledged for the next election season.

27 March 2011

Representatives Peter King and Carolyn McCarthy: Long Island's Most Powerful Politicians

(Photo of Rep. Peter King(R) courtesy of commons.wikipedia.org)

Long Island has two juggernaut politicians in the House of Representatives. One has been immersed in controversy, the other has not been in the spotlight, but to some people she is just as controversial.

Representative Peter King of  NY's 3rd district: Central Nassau and Suffolk is the Chairmen of the Committee on Homeland Security and a member of the Permanent Select Committee on Intelligence.

King's campaign financing is available here.

Over the past few months, King has fallen out of favor with a portion of the American public because of his controversial hearings on Islam.

As Chairmen of the Committee on Homeland Security, King has asserted it is both in his jurisdiction and with the best intentions of the American people for him to hold these hearings. He has stood by claims that Muslims are being recruited as terrorists in America.

He is walking quite a fine line however. Past support of the terrorist group the IRA in Northern Ireland creates a confusing track record for the Representative. While he has openly supported a terrorist organization in the past, he is to many classifying an entire religion as potential terrorists.

Criticism from Russell Simmons as well as many others, both Democrat and Republican, Muslim, Christian, Hindu and Jewish have expressed an outrage at singling out a religion as a threat. During the hearing Representative Keith Ellison, the only Muslim member of the House of Representatives emotionally broke down at what he compared to a religious persecution.

While King has been immersed in both controversy and praise for his actions, he has a strong hold on his  constituency and has become a major player in national politics. For better or worse (probably better) King will likely remain the Congressperson for the 3rd district for years to come. While this hearing has brought plenty of publicity to King, he has served his district for years and has earned both the respect of his community and the seniority that he has amassed.

(Photo of Rep. Carolyn McCarthy(D) courtesy of commons.wikipedia.org)

Representative Carolyn McCarthy of NY's 4th district comprised of Western-Central Nassau County is a member of the Committee on Education and the Workforce and the Committee on Financial Services. She also serves as the ranking member of the Subcommittee on International Monetary Policy and Trade.

McCarthy's campaign financing is available here.

While McCarthy has not been in the National News too much of late, it has not been for a lack of trying.
McCarthy pushed gun control legislation in the house in mid January. She was one of if not the strongest proponents of gun control. Along with NYC Mayor Bloomberg as well as Senators Schumer and Gillabrand, McCarthy has been an extremely vocal presence in the gun control debate.

This dedication to curbing gun violence stems from McCarthy's personal experience with gun violence. She was a survivor of the LIRR massacre at Merillon Station at which her husband was murdered and her son suffered severe injuries. In response to her personal experience, she entered politics and was elected on a strong platform that included major gun control reforms.

McCarthy has served her community for over 10 years and has been moving up the ranks of seniority within the House. Though she has not been as controversial as Rep. King as of late, McCarthy is a fearless proponent of gun control that members of the National Rifle Association would consider a top political opposition.

02 March 2011

NIFA takeover Blocked, For Now

 NIFA (Nassau Interim Finance Authority) has been blocked in its attempted takeover of county finances by a judge.

                          Photo highlighting Nassau County
                         (Courtesy of craignow.blogspot.com )
County Executive Mangano and the county's attorneys had argued that NIFA had breached the state Constitution. Whether right or just lucky, the courts agreed and ordered a stay on the takeover. The Justice Arthur Diamond gave an extension for the county to submit a new budget proposal, and said that the overall ruling would come in advance of March 31st.

This move would almost ensure the County retains control over its finances throughout the length of the trial, though it does little to provide clues as to what the overall ruling may be.

On January 26th NIFA had "seized" the counties finances in response to a deficit of $176 million. With the  election of Mangano over Suozzi in the November elections, there was instant tension.

The clash of political parties were fundamental, with Mangano campaigning on and undertaking an immediate "Tax Revolt" that swept in with Tea Party momentum.

                                              Photo of County Exec. Edward Mangano
                                                  (Courtesy of LongIslandPress.com)

There was an immediate repeal of the Home Energy Tax, a move that was seen as "antagonistic" by NIFA. While this immediately saved taxpayers $38 million a year, it dug the county deeper into debt without a way to pay it off, as Mangano had promised to and did prevent an increase of property tax. This dedication to no taxes is admirable, but amidst a financial crisis there has to be something, anything done to handle tough financial issues.

While the story trended as big news at the onset, there seemed to be little interest regarding the potential seizure of the county's funds by a "big brother" type state authority. This blog isn't about defending one politician or condemning another, but in reality it's become pretty clear to everyone that this has spiraled into a partisan battle, very similar to the way that politics are playing out in Albany, across the country and especially in Washington D.C.

 There are clearly issues with the economy at all levels, and the vast range of conflicting agendas have caused major rifts in more places than just Nassau County. While Wisconsin's "union busting" is the hot news topic, don't forget about what's happening here right now on the Island.

24 February 2011

Honoring One of Long Islands Fallen Heroes

Garden City Park Volunteer Fire Chief Thomas Regan was laid to rest on Saturday February 19th, 2011. Nearly a month earlier he was severely injured when he fell on the ice conditions in his driveway while responding to a carbon monoxide alarm. He was quickly taken to the hospital, but critical injuries to his spinal cord and the back of his brain proved too severe to be overcome. He passed away with his family at his side early morning on February 17.
There were at first some minor issues with the services were held at the Dalton Funeral home on February 16th from 2-5 and 7-10 PM. With two locations: one in New Hyde Park and one in Floral Park, many mourners from the New Hyde Park area at first went to their local location, only to find out that the service was relocated to the Floral Park funeral home location due to additional space and parking.

The funeral at Notre Dame the morning of February 19th 2011 proved to be a local morning of mourning with hundreds attending from across the area. Besides family and his large brotherhood of firefighters; an entire community displayed an out-pour of support in honor of a man who had given back so much to others.

 Thomas Regan served as a New York City Deputy Fire Chief for over 30 years. His tenure with the Garden City Park volunteer department is even longer, over 35 years. As a Chief who had fallen in the line of duty, Regan was laid to rest with full honors, and an extraordinary showing of both the FDNY and our local Nassau County volunteers.
            Regan, 83, is survived by his wife Elsie, two sons (Thomas and Timothy) and daughter (Christina) as well as 10 grandchildren. Besides his long tenure with the Fire Departments, Regan was a distinguished veteran of the Korean War. His service to his country and community was greatly valued, and though he has passed he will not be forgotten by hundreds if not thousands of family, friends and neighbors.

19 February 2011

Ed Mangano: Making Nassau County Filmmaker Friendly

(Photo courtesy of www.seabythecity.com the unofficial blog of Long Beach)

NIFA (Nassau Interim Finance Authority) might be making its play to take over control of the county finances, but County Executive Edward P. Mangano has found a way to create millions of dollars in business with quite a unique approach.

Nassau County has become a new haven for the film industry. With a County initiative , the film and television industry has been utilizing available County facilities. Thanks to the initiative Nassau County saw a combination of over 30 films and television programs filmed in the 2010 fiscal year. With over $75 million infused into the economy, there was a clear boost to both the local economy and overall County revenue.

There were plenty of celebrities filming on Long Island, Nassau County especially; with A-Lister's such as Angelina Jolie and Samuel L. Jackson among the prolific of the bunch. It's not just about giving incentives to reel in the big fish, it's also about providing upstart opportunities for local filmmakers- not just the recent graduates of NYU's film school- the hardworking creative minds that are searching for opportunities to expand the local film scene.

Local filmmakers have noticed the County efforts. Adam Lawrence, co-founder of local production company Beast of the East Productions has expressed his support for the successful initiative.

"It’s great. They built Grumman Studios in Bethpage. They’ve shot a whole bunch of different stuff there already: those Peyton Manning Sony commercials (See Photo Below), parts of the film Salt, and even parts of the upcoming film The Avengers.  It’s forgotten that Long Island has a huge film community, and seeing Hollywood actors in your neighborhood can really drum up interest at the box office. We [Long Island} seems to fall into the 2nd tier category under Manhattan in the region. Filming out here is really good business all around. These tax incentives bring jobs, and it shines a light on a county that is always overshadowed by the city."

(Peyton Manning and Justin Timberlake filming 
their Sony commercial at Grumman Studios)
(Photo courtesy of Grumman Studios)

While it doesn't look like Hollywood needs to worry about its place in the film industry, Nassau County is a unique location, providing a vast range of locations: beaches, plains, suburbs; not to mention being close enough to the mountains and of course New York City.  Out of the hundreds of Manhattan based filmmakers, the initiative might prove a haven for the upstart and established alike in an effort to trim costs in the tight economic situation.

09 February 2011


Long Island Politics Today is here to serve as a blog focusing on a myriad of issues that can and do effect Long Islanders on a daily basis. Within this large suburban community we can easily forget about the daily events that shape the lives of the hundreds of thousands of people that reside here.

Politics and Current Events will be the subject matter, with a specific lens to students and young adults. High school and University age students as well as recent graduates and young adults access information via the internet more often than any other demographic, and this blog will be tailored specifically to you.

Brett Hunter Spielberg
Adelphi University 13'